To cultivate something as beautiful as a flower
with petals that can feel like velvet, a heavenly sweet scent and colors that artists yearn to replicate, all from sunshine and water, is a task that truly fills my soul.
Seven Stems Flowers is located amidst lush lands and scenic horse farms in Northern Chester County, Pennsylvania. Surrounded by neighboring grass-fed cattle, free range chickens and an 11 acre Christmas Tree Farm, we celebrate the biodiversity of our corner of nature with sustainable boutique production of a rainbow of luxury cut flowers and designs.
We use small-scale, high intensity methods to grow specialty cut flowers like dahlias, peonies, tulips and heirloom blooms without synthetic chemicals or harmful pesticides. Our goal is to provide florists, markets, DIY brides and everyday flower lovers with luxury blooms not easily available through traditional channels. We know that flowers do their part for the earth, and we’re doing our part for you, too.